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How does it work ?
1.Download the app from
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2.Login if you already have an affiliate account or create a new account in the app
3.When prompted enter the following STORE ID (or scan the QR code below)


Share & earn 5x more
You will earn 50% commission of the total sale value by sharing the links to your artworks on social media.
Print your artwork for less
Buy Displates with your designs for 50% less whenever you need them for gifts, an exhibition, or want to sell your art yourself.
Why Join METALEKS is a Good Idea?

Over 50K
products sold

countries we deliver to
  Over 1.5 million
social media fans
This is a great opportunity, whether you are a personal blogger, a social media expert, or a community member who loves to share, as long as you are willing to share our link with others, you have the opportunity to get a generous commission return.